Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Turn that frown upside down

There will be days where you are on top of the world. You score a great parking spot, you get all the green lights and you tick off all your task at the end of the day. Perfect.

And then there’s those ‘I wish I didn’t get out of bed’ type of days. You sleep in, you’re late for work and you get bombarded with SO much work you want to cry.
Not so perfect.

So, how do you change your thinking and turn that negative thought into a positive one? Well, take a moment to read and jot down these wonder doers that will have you in high-spirits in no time.

You need instant stress relief: Candles
I think this is quite possibly the cheapest, most effective way to calm your mind and release tension.  Candles, aromatherapy ones in particular, give off a stimulating smell that can relieve your senses and calm your whole body.
Ranging from anywhere between $5-$50, candles can create a relaxing atmosphere, anywhere you are.

You need something that will make you laugh: YouTube
So you’ve had a rough morning and its not even 10am? Stress from your work/school life can create negative feelings that don’t do the body any good.
Now it might seem pretty silly, but have you ever found that listening to babies laughing and giggling has made you all tingly inside?! Its true! YouTube it right now. Try ‘Babies Laughing’ and it’ll surely make you feel all gooey.

You need half a day dedicated to feeling better: Massage
I have mentioned this before, because it works. Massages have many benefits. Some include eased muscle pains, decrease in anxiety and depression, improvement in sleep, instant mood lifter, relieves headaches/migraines and over-all just makes you feel GOOD. So why wouldn’t you dedicate an hour out of your schedule to fit in some ‘me-time’.

You need to think more positive: Affirmations and perspective
If you find yourself always looking at certain situations in a negative way, than I think its time you start saying your affirmations! They are powerful, simple and present-formed words that affirm you are doing or feeling something in a positive way. So, for example if you feel like nothing has been going right for you and you’re feeling very helpless, try “Everything is fine. I trust the process of life, I am happy. I am safe. I am content”. Affirming this a couple of times a day, will give you a fresh perspective on your current situation (or past) and hopefully will help you to over-come your problem/issue.
And perspective…well sometimes we all need to put things into perspective.
Even me. I know this is a big one for me too, and when things seem a bit up and down for myself, I like to read up on informative and positive news.  This can include health blogs that share great tips and tricks for keeping mentally and physically fit and  I also like to read up on ‘Cognitive thinking’.

Sometimes you just need to remind yourself that hey, you’re human, and you are going to make mistake. But learn, and move on. Do not try to change a situation from the past, or create one for the future. Live in the present. Smile.

Below is a list of things that make me feel all fuzzy inside.

1.     Drinking tea and coffee
2.     Breathing- literally taking 2 minutes out of my day to just breathe
3.     Searching for new health, beauty and lifestyle blogs
4.     Cleaning my work area/desk (weird I know)
5.     Eating my warm, filling oats in the morning. Yummm
6.     Going for a walk at lunch time
7.     Planning out my future travel trips and reseaching

My top 5 favourite blogs/websites that I click on regulary

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