Friday, November 28, 2014

Review: Bexters Soda Crystals

Before Bexters, I had never really used 'soda crystals' or thought of using them, as a way to help with post-recovery. For myself, I do not drink protein powder after my workouts, rather have a protein-rich meal to help with muscle recovery.

Unfortunately, sometimes though our bodies, mine included, react differently when we do different workouts, or when we have not worked out in a while, and as a result our bodies start to ache and our muscles start to tense up a lot quicker than we would prefer.

To put Bexter Soda Crystals to the test, me and my partner did a group training session together during the week, and we worked our bums off!

I wanted a mans perspective because we all know that being very different to the male specimen, our bodies work in a COMPLETELY different way! Durh!

The soda crystals have been designed to help reduce swelling and relieve muscle aches in the body. This is particularly great if you have out-trained yourself and you need to relax and calm down the body.  They are made from natural limestone, combined with natural sodium chloride, heated, processed and blended into these little crystals.

So, now you no what they are and what they do, I'm sure you want to know if they actually work? 

Well, can confirm that they helped cut in half my recovery time! 

On Monday night I did an hour-long HIIT training, Barre Body on Tuesday night, Workout session with my partner on Wednesday which involved cardio and strength training, and another HIIT session on Thursday! I am actually tired just writing that out! 

My muscles seemed to get very tight after my leg session, my hamstrings in particular.  So I bathed in the soda crystals after my session on Wednesday, and really focused on relaxing my body and mind.

I had a big stretch before I went to sleep, and I defiantly felt as though my muscles were in a much better condition, especially on that second 'dreaded' post-leg day! (Second day is always the worse!)

I allowed myself a 15-minute bath accompanied with a good book and some green tea!

My partner's schedule was some-what different to mine, being all manly and stuff. 

He used the soda crystals just once, but he did say that it helped soothed his arms and shoulders, and quote "Had a better night's sleep, and woke up to feel my body relaxed and my muscles strong, not stiff". 

I am very impressed with these little gems! Defiantly going to be soaking in the bath at least once a week! 

Not only are baths therapeutic, but top them off with a good book, soda crystals and some oh my you have just landed in heaven.

xx Vanessa

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