Sunday, August 17, 2014

Chloe Ashman

Let me introduce you to Chloe Ashman. She is a health and fitness enthusiast, a well-known foodie lover and a great friend.

Tell us a little bit about yourself? 
I moved to Sydney from Adelaide a year ago with my husband and ragdoll cat by my side (I am known to be a bit of a crazy cat lady)!!!! I am lucky to have made some beautiful friends here!
I’m planning begin my own boot camps here in Sydney shortly to encourage other women to keep fit and active and share my passion and love for fitness and wellbeing – Keep a look out for The Healthy Body Project Boot Camps.

What does ‘Healthy’ mean to you?
‘Healthy’ can mean a lot of different things to each individual from being fit and active, to being physically well. I think the definition will vary from person to person. However, my personal belief is that healthy means two things – moderation and balance... Living a life that includes looking after yourself with fresh wholesome foods and keeping active, but also maintaining balance and enjoying the foods, activities etc you love, but in moderation. Just because a person looks ‘healthy’ on the outside doesn’t mean they are healthy on the inside – looks can be deceiving.
How do you keep healthy and fit?
I believe it’s extremely important to look after yourself – mind, body and soul. I love weight training – I train 5 times per week with 1 or 2 high intensity cardio sessions for a duration of 20minutes each workout. I love the feeling of being strong and having those feel good endorphins kick in... it’s the best!!! Staying healthy, I practice balance and moderation with my diet – Majority of my diet consists of a variety of unprocessed wholefoods, but I will treat myself when I feel like it. I’m always open-minded and believe that one lifestyle/nutrition choices wont suit everyone – you need to find what works for you and makes you happy.
In your opinion, what is the most important thing to leading a healthy lifestyle? 
Listening to your body – its smarter than you!!Rest when you need it, eat when you’re hungry! Don’t fall victim to the latest fad/crash diets, enjoy a rainbow of nutritious food, and get moving.... any kind of physical activity is a step in the right direction. Unfortunately majority of us spend far too much time in front of computers and not enough time outdoors being active!

What has been your biggest achievement in your life? 

In regards to my biggest achievement, health and fitness wise, I completely underwent a body and lifestyle transformation six years ago. I went from being a party animal who would drink to excess, eat crappy foods, was overweight and most importantly very unhappy with how I felt and looked, to finding my love for health and fitness and loosing 20 kilos – I have never looked back! I love inspiring other women to make the changes to become happier and healthier in their own skin which is why I have recently completed my course to become a personal trainer. I’m hoping to become a health coach in the near future also.
What gives you motivation to be healthy? 
I’m motivated by results and how great I feel on the inside – seeing the changes in my body, feeling physically healthier and stronger each day.
What are the top 3 super foods you're loving at the moment?
*Coconut oil – I love Coconut Oil, this is a staple for every health conscious eater – There are a range of health benefits. *Bee Pollen – Collected by Bees from plants and formed into little yellow granules – this is a complete super food which contains more protein than beef!! I use a teaspoon on my breakfast each morning!!! *Chia Seeds – I love Chia seeds, I put them in my overnight oats every day!!! These little gems are the highest known plant source of Omega 3.
Favourite place to eat in Sydney?
I love Bread & Circus at Alexandria – the best nutritious and delicious foods in town.

What advice would you give to people who are starting their fitness journey right now?

My top 5 words of wisdom for people starting or wanting to start on their fitness journey would be;
1. Find exercise that you enjoy whether it be a gym class, boot camp, or even walking – just move your butt and get active!!! The more you enjoy it, the more motivated you will feel to come back again. 2. Set goals and stick to them – Goal setting is an important part of keep yourself motivated and accountable. 3. Don’t be too hard on yourself – If you miss a day at the gym or fall off the wagon don’t beat yourself up, your only human!!! Accept this and move on, don’t dwell on it!!! 4. Listen to your body – Always!!! Rest when you need it. 5. Balance and Moderation

Follow me on instagram @The_HealthyBody_Project_ Facebook/ Chloe Ashman

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