Thursday, June 12, 2014


Hello beautiful people!

If you're looking for some meal inspiration than have a peak at this post and see if you can take away some ingredients to create your own delicious and nutritious meals for the day!

Preparation is the ultimate key. So if you're anything like me, working 9-5 five days a week then you most defiantly need to be planning all your meals so you dont slip and and give into 'bad' foods with little to no nutrients or minerals and high levels of sugar.

For breakfast :

- Quick wholegrain oats
- Skim milk
- Blueberries
- 1 whole banana
- teaspoon of honey
- teaspoon of peanut butter

Oats are low in calories, but high in fibre ( keeps you regular) so they're a perfect option if you're watching your weight. They also help to stabilise your blood sugar level which means you'll stay fuller for longer and you can keep those hunger cravings at bay! I usually use almond milk but I ran out at work so I opted for skim milk which has fewer calories then full cream. 
Adding fruit of your choice too is a great way to ensure you're getting your recommended sugar intake for the day. I like bananas because they're full of potassium which is good for nerve and muscle function and also they are low in calories and are fat and cholesterol free! I also throw in some frozen blueberries for added juicy'ness and taste! These littLe buggers are full of Vitamin C and ( for the ladies ) help reduce your risk of UTI. And last but not least, my ultimate favourite spread/ food in the whole wide world is peanut butter! Packed full of protein, the Health Ambition website says that PB is a great energy booster to keep you alert throughout the morning all the way up until lunch time!

For a snack :

- celery sticks
- carrot sticks
- cottage cheese
- cashews raw unsalted

It doesn't take a genius to know that nibbling away at veggie sticks as opposed to cookies is defiantly more nutritious and healthier for you. And in saying this, there's nothing more I love then some cut up celery or carrots with some cottage cheese to satisfy my cravings!
Celery is naturally low in calories ( only 10 calories per average stick) and helps to aid digestion says Care2 website. So if you're feeling a little bit 'slummy' then lay back on the coffee and try these bad boys out with a side of green or peppermint tea! You will surely feel less bloated and more energised. Same goes for carrots, not only are they low in calories so they're perfect for when you're trying to keep your food calories down. They also help to clear your skin, improve your vision and prevent heart disease!  Hummus or cottage cheese is a great side dip for your veggie sticks, as well as avocado mixed together with lemon and cracked salt and pepper.

I also really enjoy a handful of plain unsalted cashes nuts as they are full of the 'good fats' and do wonders to your hair and skin!

For lunch:

- 2 hard boiled eggs
- spinach leaves
- cherry tomatos
- cucumber
- sultanas
- lemon dressing

Eggs are full of protein which means you'll stay fuller for longer. An American University website says that they also have essential amino acids that our bodies crave to work properly. So whether you like them scrambled, boiled or poached ( fried is not acceptable!), add some egg to your salad for a change!
I'm not too big on spinach but when I mix it with other ingredients, it seems to disguise the taste. Spinach is high in niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese according too Food Facts. So you get why people love their green smoothies! You can really add in any other vegetable ( or fruit) you like! I love cucumbers and cherries tomatoes, and also add in some sultanas to help aid digestion, improve our energy supply and even help to stimulate sexuality according to 3 Fat Chicks. 

For Dinner:

- 2 eggs white only no yolk
- ham
- kale
- feta 

So yes I did get a little bit carried away with my eggs today, but I didn't include the yolk in my dinner so I could cut down on my calories.
When I'm a little fixed on time and Im pretty exhausted from my day, I just throw whatever is in my fridge into the pan with some egg and fortunately it ends up being a nutritious, delicious omelette! Of Course you can alternate between having this for breakfast or dinner especially if you feel you're lacking in the protein department. 
With all this added goodness into one meal, you're bound to feel satisfied after. 
Just like spinach, Kale is jam packed with a load of vitamins and minerals and is super low in calories. So make sure you add some type of 'greeny' product and you're all good to go!


- I try to drink at least 8 glasses of a water per day- more when I am exercising
- I have two coffees a day before 12pm and then I have decaffeinated drinks like peppermint of green tea throughout the afternoon
- My diet is high in protein and sometimes I like to alter between chicken, egg or fish. Sometimes I have a meat free , poultry free day so I can enjoy raw food and cleanse my insides.
- You can use this as a base option for your meal plans

Key ingredients to include into your diet

- Greens ( Kale, spinach , avocado, cucumber etc.. )
- Berries( strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
- Chia seeds
- Fresh ingredients ( restrict packaged items)

And remember... eat like a King at breakfast, a Princess at lunch and a Pauper at Dinner. 

 * Breakfast should be your biggest meal of your day 

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