Sunday, November 2, 2014

Lets talk about your body

When you read body, what do you think?
Healthy, strong, beautiful, incredible? When it comes to your body, there is a thousand and one different thoughts of emotion that can really affect how you see and do things in this world, and of course how other people see us.

Body image is defined as the perception that a person has on their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception. These feelings can be positive, negative or both. Body image is highly influenced by environmental factors and of course, your own thoughts.

So with that, lets talk about how we can create a positive body image for ourselves.

But first things first, lets all take a moment to be thankful for the skin we're in.

Do you remember when you were younger and you may have fallen over and grazed your knee on the pavement? Do you remember the stages of the recovery process? You graze, you scab, and then you heal.

You can kind of look at body image as a way of healing your graze (negativity), scabbing (learning) and healing (positivity).

So with that we can all start to realise that it does take time to over-come those negative thoughts you reflect upon yourself. Think about the time it took for your knee to heal up.

Now, take a moment with me to read the following, and really absorb the words.

- When you think happy, joyful and loving thoughts they beam through your body to shine on to the world.
- When you are not feeling so good, our body has this amazing way of telling us by giving us signs to help us to take care of it
- When you cut out certain foods that don't offer healthy nutrients of some sort, you start to recognise and feel a difference within a short amount of time
- Our bodies are so amazing that they digest the food we eat to give us energy and nutrients so we can get the most out of every day
- Our body is really a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. If you love, adore and cherish yourself, it shows through your skin,hair and nails.
- Take some time each day to say at least two things that you love about yourself. Look in the mirror and really convince the person staring back at you that you do LOVE that feature.
- When you're not feeling to good, read your favourite magazine, have a cup of tea and light a candle.

Thankfully, we are so lucky that we have access to information that has the potential to change our way of thinking.

Below is a list of things that have helped me change my thinking to a more positive state.

- Websites and blogs. Searching 'health', and 'wellbeing' and it will give you a good list of people who share fantastic pieces of advice and inspiration for you to take on board for yourself. I do this on the regular because I know that someone, somewhere has been through what I have been through, and has a fresh new perspective on it and can help you by offering tips and strategies to put into place. I also like to search through Youtube to listen to peoples stories of how they over-come self doubt and negative thinking, as it gives me a sense of confidence within myself.

- Pampering yourself in some way or another, such as getting your nails done, getting a fresh new do', getting a fake tan, buying some beautiful perfume or indulging in some tea and fresh fruit can almost always make a difference to how you're feeling. I feel as though there is nothing better then having freshly done nails, topped off with a freshly done tan. Ahh, bliss.

- Surrounding yourself with strong, inspirational people. For me, I didn't actually understand the effect it does have on your life, when you surround yourself with negative and toxic people. How are you supposed to feel good about yourself when the person next to you keeps talking about how much they hate this, or that. Sometimes, we do need to re-evaluate certain people in our life, not because we want to be cruel or mean to them, but simply because we want to be kind and loving to ourselves.

Something to take away with you..

- You are BEAUTIFUL. No matter what, no matter who you are and no matter where you are...remember that you are beautiful.
- You are UNIQUE. We were not created to be the same, we were created to be different. The tall girl wishes she was the short girl, and the very slim girl wishes she was the curvaceous girl, and the dark-skin girl wishes she was the fair looking girl. Understand that we are all different and we all look different for a reason.
- You are STRONG. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Our bodies are beautiful and strong, and words are just words, they do not make decisions for you, pay your bills for you or make you sleep-in and miss what the world has to offer.

And some affirmations for you to write down on your bed side table and say before you go to sleep..

- I recognise my body as a good friend
- No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind.
- My body represents perfection. I am vibrant and healthy
- My body wants to be active and healthy. Exercise is fun for me.
- I now take care of my body, my mind, and my emotions. I feel so good!

For your chance to win one of 2 x $100 Azalea Swim and Clothing gift vouchers, simply share this blog post and tag Azalea Swim on Facebook and Instagram , and tell us in 25 words or less what 'positive body image' means to you, and how you embrace your body. 

Competition closes 30th November AEST 
Winners will be announced on the Azalea Swimwear Facebook and Instagram accounts

This post was brought to you by Azalea Swimwear.

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