Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Women who lift

Hi everyone!

I think its no secret that exercise is so beneficial for you in so many ways, but it makes me sad to think that many women are only doing cardio exercise. Of course, when you are running,cycling, and even swimming, you are going to lose body fat if you are consistent. But, if you want a toned, leaned out body, then weight and resistant training is a must.

I thought what better way to let all you young beauties know what weight lifting actually means and how it can help improve your body, than to speak to one of my closest and dearest friends Deanne Murphy, fitness model and trainer, international figure winner and all around amazing person who has personally helped me feel better about my physical and mental health.

  Explain what effect weight lifting does to a woman's body?
Weight lifting will increase overall strength, fitness and help build muscle and burn fat.
It helps assist to building and shaping a beautiful figure but of course in the past people’s attitudes of women lifting weights were shadowed by the thought women would look like men which is obviously not the case unless they were taking Steroids.
     Should women be including weight training into their daily routines?
Yes they should as it can help in many ways to preventing disease, staying physically and mentally fit, longevity, building good body image, socializing and having fun. It also teaches you discipline, time management and mental strength to overcome other obstacles in life.
Is there a chance women can become to big because of weight training? Like men
No unless they take performance enhancing drugs its takes a long time for women to grow muscle due to their physiology
I have been lifting since I was 16 I am now 32 and I am wishing I had more muscle it has taken me this whole time to develop the body I have now which is very feminine and strong and with curves.
From your personal experience, what are some of the differences you have noticed since you've been weight training?
So many to list but the main ones are: Overall confidence, better fitness, healthy lifestyle and body image, happiness that it has given me in life to be able to compete as a professional body shaper which has led to many amazing things in my life such as a successful PT business, Fitness Modelling jobs and working with many successful professionals in the Health industry.
What are some of the physical benefits of weight training?
Benefits are reduced diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome and quite a few more chronic disease states for which weight training has shown benefit. As well as the obvious … abs and booty ha ha
 What are some beginner moves newbies can incorporate into their workout routines?
I like the simple squat but I would recommend incorporating the ‘pop squat’ into a High Intensity session to increase heart rate to burn more Calories.
So you can simply do the following simple exercises in a circuit type format.. 20 reps each exercise no break in between each one and 3 rounds
1.       Pop squat
2.       Pushups
3.       Situps
4.       Walking lunges
5.       Shoulder press
6.       Step ups on to a sturdy bench

Facebook : find me on Deanne Murphy and my fan page ‘The golden Angel’
Insta : @wnbfprochamp
I am the proud founder of The Pro Modelling Workshop established to inspire beginners and provide world class tuition for young models and athletes to achieve their goals in the modelling and fitness industry.
Not many people realise but without a stage coach to get you ready its very hard to be 100% prepared as its cut throat and very competitive. I help the girls mentally as well as this is one of the most important aspects of competing if you’re not 100% in the zone and people are putting you off (as a example)then you will drop off the band wagon and become de motivated.
With the extensive experience Deanne has gained through the highest level in the sport of Natural Bodybuilding and Modelling she can provide you with the winning edge most other Trainers cant.
Deanne has travelled to America over the years for; Fitness Modelling, competing on the WNBF (WORLD NATURAL BODYBUILDING) Pro Circuit since 2008 after winning Pro Card 2007 and winning the PRO Natural Figure World Title in 2009 and assisting the Australian WNBF team at the WNBF World Championships (New York) for the past two years.

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