Monday, July 7, 2014

Positive body image

Hi Everyone!

I thought I would take a few moments to write about body image, and how we can create a positive outlook on the term for ourselves.

I personally think that if you eat healthy and nutritious foods, get a good amount of exercise into your week depending on how much your body needs and fill your head with positive, happy thought.. you can create a positive image for yourself. 

I dont think I have ever been 'skinny' , but there has been moments where I have neglected my health for silly reasons. 

Until I properly taught myself the meaning behind nutrition and health, I didn't actually know what it was or why I needed to feed my body all this good stuff! '

How can  you  expect to lead a healthy lifestyle with minimal knowledge on the concept of health?

So about four years ago, I lost all this weight ( 10 kilos ) in a short period of time ( 3 months ) and I basically went from a normal healthy size 10 17-year-old to a size 6-8 malnutritioned girl. 
This was my diet:

Coffee, few pieces of fruit, diet coke, handful of biscuits ( so I had sugar to get me through the day) and 1-2L of water.  

As you can already see, this does not scream healthy at all. But this was because I had no idea about what healthy actually meant or was in that fact! 

I copied other girls and figured that if they were skinny I could be like that too. 
Unfortunately for me though, I lost majority of my body fat which meant that I was losing my thick luscious hair,my skin became dry and more prone to breakouts and I had literally no energy despite the fact I was drinking countless cans of diet coke and mugs of coffee a day.

Although I did lose quite a significant amount of weight, because it was done the wrong way and in such a short period of time, I ended up putting it back on as soon as I ate normal. 

After a couple of months, I signed up to a gym and decided that I didn't want to live this lifestyle anymore, I wanted to feel healthy and strong...and that was my turning point.

I read fitness and health magazines, googled 'health' and worked my bum off at the gym.

It only took 1 month, but in those 4 weeks I put on 6 kilos made up from muscle mass.

From then on I've always tried my best to eat healthy and exercise but of course like everyone else, I have had my slip ups and I've made mistakes but in the end, Im happy to say I am sitting at a healthy weight for me and Im eating yummy, delicious foods and exercising 3-4 times per week for at least 40 minutes. 

The whole thing with body image is that people dont see what other people see. Despite the fact that you may think a size 12-14 is fat or a size 6-8 is too skinny, we are designed perfectly and we are at a perfect weight for what we should be. 

It is well worth investing your time and some money to gain as much information on what health actually means and what your body really needs. 

I suggest seeing a nutritionist, buying health books, asking a friend who is fit and healthy for advice, getting a personal trainer, googling health bloggers and speaking to your doctor to see what is right for you.

Dont ever think that you need to change who you are for someone else. Doesn't matter if you're just starting your health journey, you've just lost 5 kilos or you have successfully put on 5 kilos from eating right - whatever stage you may be at, be proud and LOVE yourself. 
Self loving is about 10000 times more important then needed to be loved from someone else.

Below is a list of bloggers I find to be very inspirational and motivating. 


And a few of my favourite authors 

1. Louise L hay - You can heal your life
2. Lorna Jane books -
3. Sarah Wilson -


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