Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Feed your skin


So working in the beauty industry, I see a lot of new and fancy skin products (pink, pretty packaging usually does it for me). But, when you really think about it, back in the days when there was no such things as toners or night creams, people would generally use plants or fruits to help soothe inflammation or burns!

So in saying this, I have decided to create my own skin products using el' natural ingredients!

My version of ...

Mist toner: Aloe Vera with lavender drops

Mix together aloe vera fresh  and pure lavender oil. As this is going to be a 'spray' type toner, its best to buy a disposable spray bottle and fill it up with your aloe and lavender!

Why its good for you:
Aloe Vera is a known vulnerary which means its helps to heal wounds, cuts and burns. It also hydrates the skin, reduces redness and inflammatory AND aloe vera is a disinfectant, anti-biotic, germicidal, anti-fungal and anti-viral....which really means it is super clean,fresh and healthy for your skin!
Lavender hydrates the skin and 'plumps' it up, all whilst leaving your skin smooth and soft.

When to use it:
Spray every morning after you have showered or when you wake up, and at night time before you moisturize.
Store in cool area(bathroom cupboard)

Cleanser: Berry and Mint with oatmeal 
You're going to need a packet full of fresh blueberries, raspberries and strawberries for this! And yes, your face will be thanking you for this. Cleansers typically come in a gel like or foam formula, both
types are usually added with chemicals that create the texture a certain way. Both, are really not that great for your skin. Therefor, having a fresh and fruity cleanser with REAL fruit instead of fake fruit.

So all you're going to do is blend all the fruit together until it is puree like (think smoothie) and add a handful of mint leaves(you can also use the leaves of a peppermint tea bag). Then, you're going to need about 1/2 cup of almond milk and 1/2 cup oatmeal. Basically just blend everything until its super fine.
Again, its best to buy a disposal bottle but with the cleanser you just need a cap one.

Why its good for you:
Firstly berries are antioxidants, so they help to brighten up your skin, improve skins texture and help to eliminate blemishes! Yippe!  Mint helps to clear and calm the skin. Oatmeal will lightly exfoliate the dead skin cells and the almond milk will give the cleanser a thin consistency to spread evenly and easily on your face.
When to use it:
I'd say you can use this morning and night, using about around a 50c coin amount and pat dry after cleansing.
Store in fridge.

Exfoliate: Cinnamon and honey scrub with a hint of aloe vera
Exfoliating your skin is a great to to ensure you are ridden your face of the dead skin cells that have a hard time shedding naturally. (grosssss) You want to circulate blood to your skin so it starts to work
hard at cleaning from the inside and out, so it just seems right to be using things that are good for you.
You're going to need some natural cinnamon, and 2 tablespoons full of honey(depending on how much you want to make). And yes, we are using aloe vera again because god know's you cannot get enough of this skin saver!

Basically, whisk all the ingredients together and add a tablespoon of raw sugar while you're mixing away. You can also blend the ingredients too.

Why its good for you:
Cinnamon is not only super good for your tummy(helps to starve off those sugar cravings!), but it also does wonders for your skin. It is proven to help the appearance of acne, help treat eczema, improve fine lines by 'plumping the skin' and reduce the signs of ageing.

Honey is a natural bacterial so it is also great for acne prone skin, and it is extremely moisturising for the skin so if your suffer from dry skin, this will help immensely! The raw scrub will help to 'buff' away the cells on your face, your a clearer more radiant complexion.

When to use it:
I'd say use this 3 times a week at night time. You will only need a small amount and remember to cover your neck too!
Store in cool area(like bathroom cupboard)

Moisturizer: Coconut and yoghurt cream
As much as you would want to eat this, so does your face! You're going to need some raw unprocessed coconut oil, some greek plain yoghurt and a papaya(fruit, whole). So, seeming our face absorbs the most when we are sleeping, what you're putting on your skin is crucial! It should be nourishing, healing and also non-irritating.

You will need to cut the papaya into quarters, and heat the coconut oil so it melts. Blend them and the yoghurt( about 2 tablespoons, again depending on how much you're making) and then put it in a disposable bottle. It's best to keep this in the fridge.

Why its good for you:
It's no secret coconut oil is amazing for not only your skin, but for your hair, your body and your tummy! So why you say is coconut good for your face?! Well, because it promotes healthy growth and repair, it reduces the signs of anti ageing, it promotes glowing like and plumply skin and it literally feeds your skin's so it always looks super fresh and radiant.
Greek yogurt is full of vitamin D, which helps to smooth dry and rough skin (again, good for people who suffer from dry,flaky skin) and is an excellent moisturizer and hydra-tor for the skin.
Last but not least, papaya! ah, its a summer fruit favorite! and who knew it would be just as good for your skin? it is full of restorative nutrients and antioxidants, and is great for rejuvenating and replenishing the skin!

When to use it:
Every night! After you have toned your face.
Store in fridge.

Hope you have enjoyed this and can take away some inspiration to look after your skin the natural and healthy way :)


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