Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

If you didn't already know, breakfast is the MOST important meal. 

Better Health puts it simple:
Breakfast is considered an important meal because it breaks the overnight fasting period, replenishes your supply of glucose and provides other essential nutrients to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

And I dont know about you, but I am actually starving by the time I'm at work, so preparing everything the night before is essential as it saves me time on what to actually eat and I can just prepare it all up super quick!

Some other great options

If you are on the go - 

* Smoothie! Blend your favourite fruits, some sort of milk of yoghurt and wallah!
* Banana & two pieces of wholemeal or rye with soy and linseed toast with peanut butter
* Muffin! BUT - you should be looking for the dairy,sugar,gluten free types that have minimal amounts of processed foods and additives. Add a piece of fruit like a kiwi and you'll be full until mid morning.

If you prepare the night before-
* Pack some quick oats that are already measured by the per serving (like above) so you dont have to worry about having to much or to little 
* Boil your eggs! and pre cut your avocado and foil into a bag. Smear your eggs, avocado and lemon with some cracked pepper to some toast and you've got yourself a gourmet breaky in under 10 minutes!


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