Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My favourite affirmations

Hi everyone!

I have mentioned before that I am a big believer in positive affirmations, and I do believe they can be beneficial in all circumstances of your life.

The way I like to incorporate them in my life is by reading them first thing in the morning and before I go to bed.

I was inspired by Louise L Hay's book "You can heal your life"  to start reading affirmations, and it does take a while and depending on what you're affirming, it takes time but little by little you will see a difference.


I just finished college, and I was working part time in a retail store. I finished my interning and everything else, so I was just working four times a week. For me, I needed more. I couldnt wait any longer, I just wanted to start pursuing my career.

At this point, I was reading my affirmations but I wasn't really reading them. Until one day, I started saying to myself " I have a wonderful new job". This sounds crazy right? But, affirming that you already have something in a positive tone, complimenting whatever it may be, results in wonderful things! I said this over and over, along with other affirmations, and I was positive and hopeful and it paid off! Because I received an amazing opportunity I couldnt knock back.

So below is a list of affirmations I like to personally say everyday.

note: if you want to start saying affirmations but are unsure where to actually start, google 'positive affirmations', buy books or create your own! Make sure what you are saying is in the present moment, and in a positive tone. 

1. I have a healthy, strong body
2. I have a wonderful job
3. My bosses always treat me with respect and courtesy
4.  I have a wonderful relationship with _____
5. Everything I touch is a success
6. Only good lies in front of me
7. I bless my current paycheque
8. I think good, happy thoughts
9. I am willing to change
10. I release all anger. I release all fear. I release all anxiety
11. I have a loving,supportive family.
12. My friends are caring,generous and understanding.

xx Vanessa

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