Thursday, May 2, 2013

Time for breaky!

I really enjoyed this article from Beauty heaven.

For many of you, the thought of shovelling food into your mouth first thing in the morning, quite frankly, couldn’t be less appealing. I hear you – you’re running late, feeling groggy, and would much rather get that extra fifteen minutes of shut-eye than stand in the kitchen force-feeding yourself. But what if something as simple as eating a balanced breakfast every day could help you shed those stubborn kilos? Listen up ladies…

Why eating when you wake up is so important:

Between dinner and breakfast, your body goes into ‘fasting’ mode, which means your metabolism slows right down and burns minimal amounts of energy. Feeding your body when you wake up in the morning jump starts your metabolism, allowing your body to start burning energy right from the get go. If you delay breakfast or skip it altogether, your body remains in ‘fasting’ mode from the night before, and starts to store calories.

How breakfast can help you manage your weight:

Research suggests that those who eat breakfast in the morning are less likely to feel hungry over the course of the day, and therefore eat smaller, more controlled meals throughout the day. By eating breakfast, you are also more likely to have stable blood sugar levels, which means you’ll be less inclined to reach for sugary treats or be tempted every time you walk past the office vending machine. Conversely, those who rush out the door and skip breakfast often succumb to their mid-morning hunger pangs and gorge on a heavy, calorie-dense lunches, causing them to over-consume calories and store fat.

How breakfast can improve your overall health and wellbeing:

Eating a nutrient-rich breakfast not only fuels your body ahead of the day’s activities, but it also increases productivity levels and helps you to concentrate. You’re more likely to feel alert, sharp and focused if you’re mind isn’t being hijacked by thoughts of lunch options. Nutritionally, having breakfast gives you a better chance of consuming the essential nutrients that our bodies need to function. A breakfast such as a bowl of oats with skim milk, berries and a few slices of banana will provide you with wholegrains and fibre for sustained energy, calcium for bone strength, and a range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help your body fight disease and infection.

Eating breakfast the easy way:

Breakfast doesn’t have to be a big meal. In fact it doesn’t even have to involve cooking. Whether you grab a banana as you’re running out the door, pack some toast for the drive to work, or whizz up a quick smoothie, you’ll be doing yourself and your body some good. Once you start to feel the benefits, you’ll wonder why you didn’t jump on the brekkie train earlier!

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