Thursday, May 2, 2013


I have been reading Louise L Hay's book for over a year now.

I'm currently reading her first book again, You can heal your life because I couldn't get enough of it the first time!

"In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole , and complete. I see any resistance patterns within me only as something else to release. They have no power over me. i am the power in my world. I flow with the changes taking place in my life as best I can. I approve of myself and the way I am changing  I am doing the best I can. Each day gets easier. i rejoice that I am in the rhythm and flow of my ever-changing like. Today is a wonderful day. I choose to make it so. All is well in my world."

Honestly, her words have really had a positive impact on my life. I feel so much more whole and calm.

I would suggest you pick up her book and read. Because I guarantee that you will feel so positive and happy!

I dont blame people for the past/present/future, I know that I am in control of what I do and say. The universe takes care of the unknown. 
Im a lot more at peace with myself which is amazing. I feel truly blessed and grateful that I picked up her book. 

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