Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Brr..its cold in here !

Currently snuggled up with a jumper on,socks, tracksuits AND my cosy pink dressing gown.
In attempt to keep warm ( and healthy ) I've had to make some small changes to my daily routine.

Obviously eating salads and going for walks along the beach don't seem too appealing, so now is the time to put some changes in place. As well as some small lifestyle changes!

- chuck all your old mascaras, eye-liners , lip-liners ect... over time they start to build up bad bacteria and its just not pretty. When you realise your dunking your mascara in the tube about 20 times, and its drying and clogs...its time to let go!

- Get a moisturiser  that you will actually use day and night! There really isn't a need for a different day and night cream, they do the same thing. They lock in the skins natural moisture increasing the skins hydration. Creams make your skin all soft and smushy and in winter, your skin can get especially dry and flaky and if your skin is anything like mine ( redness anyone ?!) you needa give a little TLC to the face! BUT do not be mistaken, just because a product claims its 'thicker' and 'more hydrating' doesn't mean you actually need to lather it up on your face. Just go for a simple moisturisers. They're about $5.95 average price!

- LOTION YOUR BODY! Its so much fun. I tan in winter still ( yes I know I have a lot of determination ) and its crucial that I moisturise regardless if I tan or not because everyone's skin becomes dryer and more prone to flaky skin due to the weather! So please do yourself a favour and buy a big body lotion tub- about $5-$6 for one from Price line. My favourite is Vaseline cacao butter :)

-Get your doona ready for some loving! I am literally obsessed with having blankets on my bed.. like even in Summer I need to feel 'safe'. So strange. But- its the best excuse to get your fleece blanket out!
And in an effort to save money and electricity, please say no to heaters. no no no!
They are not safe to keep on all night, and they dry your skin out! So fleece blankets are in, heaters are out! Kmart has some great cheap blankets and cosy throw over blankets, I bought mine for $8!

- Invest in some block out curtains! In Summer I had pink shimmer thin curtains which reflected the sun straight through them and it gave my room this cute pinkish feel. But in winter.. I understand that you want to hibernate and snuggle up in a cove, so block out or 'thick' curtains are the way to go! Lin craft has some fabulous ones. Alternatively BIG W and Kmart have cheap ones!

- Workout in the AM. Not kidding. I know that its more ideal to workout in the day because the weather is warmer and you can actually see what your doing, but if your anything like me, you don't have time to workout during the day! And Im not suggesting you run km's on end ,I'm saying Pilates DVD in the comfort of your own home, YouTube fitness videos ect... your energy runs low quicker in winter, so in the afternoon your sugar levels are down and all you want to do is snuggle and sip hot chocolate.

- Test out some herb teas! Im so in love with coffee that it will always be my number one choice of beverage..after water! But I know now that its colder, our bodies are actually craving the warmness you get from warm food/drinks, and now is  the perfect time to try some new things!

Some cute healthy snack ideas

- peppermint tea w apple and org peanut butter
- banana cut up with ricotta and org peanut butter
- skim hot chocolate
- warmed up skim/almond milk with agave or honey
- organic plain pop corn with melted organic peanut butter
- melted cacao with strawberries


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