Wednesday, March 13, 2013

E is for Exercise

Hello beautiful people! 

This post is dedicated to exercise and routine and what exercise and planning can do for you!

In the past couple of months I haven't paid a lot of attention to my health and I've just been cruising through,thinking that my bad habits wont catch up to me! But, of course they have.
So in order to get myself back on track, I signed up to a new gym,and got myself a trainer.

Sometimes you can motivate yourself and get yourself on track which is so great! But if you're anything like me,you need routine. You need planning. You need to know what you're doing so you dont get side tracked!!

Down below is my weekly routine for my exercise plan
( please note you can replicate this into your own,changing or adding things to your desire. This plan helps MY health and suites MY needs. Yours may be different )

Monday- CARDIO

>treadmill 10 to 15 mins warm up brisk walking
>cross trainer 10 mins
>rower 5 mins
>treadmill 10 mins jogging/running
>treadmill 5 mins cool down

10-15 minutes


>treadmill 10 to 15 mins warm up brisk walking
>cross trainer 10 mins
>rower 5 mins
>treadmill 10 mins jogging/running
>treadmill 5 mins cool down


>3 sets of 10 reps of leg/back/arm machines
>3 sets of 15 squats
>3 sets of 15 sumo squats
>3 sets of 15 lunges each leg

10-15 minutes

>treadmill 10 to 15 mins warm up brisk walking
>boxing with my trainer 20-30 mins


>3 sets of 10 reps of leg/back/arm machines

>3 sets of 15 squats
>3 sets of 15 sumo squats
>3 sets of 15 lunges each leg

10-15 minutes

Thursday- CARDIO

>treadmill 10 to 15 mins warm up brisk walking
>cross trainer 10 mins
>rower 5 mins
>treadmill 10 mins jogging/running
>treadmill 5 mins cool down

10-15 minutes

Friday/Saturday/Sunday - optional Pilates/Yoga/walks outside ( day off )

Obviously the reps/times etc vary on my moods,what my trainer has me doing and if I'm willing to push myself!

But having a plan makes going into the gym at 6am or 8pm at night much more bearable.

I try and go 2 x mornings and 2 x night so I don't get bored. The idea is to mix things up.

If you don't have a gym I suggest watching videos to introduce yourself to circuit training which basically is sets of exercises in a portion of time whether its 5 minutes or 10 minutes. It's so much more bearable then running around the block and feeling like you're getting no where!

Some of my favourite at home workouts are; - Victoria Secret fat blasting 10 min workout - Victoria Secret butt exercises 10 min workout - popsugar fitness 40 min full body workout - pilates class with Madeline Black

Exercise makes you feel 100% times better and you feel so great after! I know it's hard finding your motivation but if being healthy from the inside and out and knowing that you are capable of being fit and toned and strong isnt an excuse,dont know what is! Im not going to lie some days I do not want to go and will find EVERY excuse not to...but when you think about it,moving our bodies is just second nature for us. So you should make the most of what you have. I love knowing that my body has the ability to pretty much do anything I push it towards- it's so impressive.

Down below are some motivational pictures/quotes




  1. Hey Vanessa,

    Do you mind if I use your workout as my goal routine?

    The state I live in rains 6 times a week and I don't have a gym around here. I'm looking to buy a treadmill but don't know which one to get yet. What would you suggest? says the proform and livestrong is good for my needs. Any experiences on any of the two?


    1. Hey hun

      Of course not!. Oh that is a shame. But you know treadmill's all do the same job! You should also look into some weights/ dung bells etc as toning and doing weights at home is just as important, even more!

      Mix your routine up so you dont get bored, even if it's jumping on the treadmill in the morning for 15-20 min brisk power walk and building up each week to running then in the afternoons do weights/toning/stretching ?!

      Hope this helps , if you want more info let me know

      x V
