Sunday, February 24, 2013

Getting organised!

Hello everyone!

This post is just about me getting organised and what exactly goes into my weekly routine!

So when it comes to Sunday night, I like to set my whole week out.

For my breakfast every morning I will soak my whole grain oats the night before in a little container, add my white chia seeds and my almond breeze milk.In the morning I will heat the oats up for about 40-60 seconds then add my fresh fruit! Which is either some strawberries,blueberries or mango

I like to have my coffee first thing in the morning,followed by my breakfast.

When it comes to my meal plans for the week, my snacks are usually fruit,vita wheat crackers with hummus and/or some sort of protein bar.


To make sure that I go to the gym in the morning, I have to get myself organised! This means laying out my gym stuff and setting my alarm 15 mins prior to when Im actually supposed to be getting up... I have a tendency of sleeping in! 


When  I have big events/dates/important meetings I first set them into my iPhone followed by my diary. 
I highlight important things and usually write out a 'priority' list the weekend following the week. This helps me stay on top of my week!


If I cant manage to get to the gym in the morning for whatever reason.. (cough ah sleeping in! )I like to exercise with a friend. A 40 min power walk usually does the trick :)


So these are just my tips and tricks for getting organised!

So remember 

>Plan ahead. If you want to work out early in the morning, lay your clothes out and set your alarm 15 mins prior! it works trust me !
>Highlight important dates in your diary, and leave post-it notes up on your wall or in an easy eye access 
> Priorities! Write out a important to most important list with your weekly errands
>Budget! I always write out a budget before I go spending my pay away. You'll be less tempted to over indulge in shopping and you'll actually be surprised as to how good you can be at having some will power!

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