Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Review- T.N. Dickinsons Witch Hazel Astrigent

I have been using this product for two weeks now and I must say, I am very impressed!
To be honest, I previously have not used a 'toner' in my skin care routine because I really didn't see the point of it. I know, even I consider myself to be a beauty guru yet it never crossed my mind to use a toner. 

When it comes to toning, this should be your next step after cleansing your face. A good toner will remove any excess make-up, bits of dirt, oil and debris from the cleanser. And to finish the process off, it will help soothe, nourish and hydrate whilst restoring the ph balance. And thats exactly what the witch hazel astringent did!

It does not contain alcohol so it wont dry out your skin, contains no artificial fragrances or dyes and is 100% dermatologist tested and recommend. 

The thing I also love about the T.N. Dickinson's witch hazel toner is that it's super easy and efficient at actually cleaning your face. I place a small amount on a Swisspers cotton pad and pat around my face, and lightly wipe across my eyes to take off any stubborn mascara. 

You noticed just how much is left behind even after cleansing your face, and for myself, there was still a generous amount left. Not good. 

I use this everyday including in the morning, right before I pop in the shower. The reason I use this in the morning too, is because it helps to remove any excess residue from my moisture which I use at night. So you're basically starting off your makeup with a 100% cleansed and hydrated face.

Another pro? It's such good value for money. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lauren Darlington

Learning about yourself can be scary. Let’s be honest, discovering who you really are, acknowledging your fears, strengths, dreams and flaws is scary. We spend so much time avoiding [this], we pretend to be something we're not, we hide behind social media, we hold ourselves back, we suffocate our true selves..all to avoid being exposed, raw and be totally unapologetically us. What we don’t realise is the moment we are true to ourselves and start living our life the way we want, doing what makes us happy and not letting this be impacted by exterior factors, we truly are alive. The feeling of being in control of your life and true to yourself is one I wish I could bottle up and share with the world. So how did I get here? Read below. (And please understand I am STILL on this journey, I am only at the beginning, but I know I am on the right path)

Lauren Darlington

I was once a very broken and lost girl. At the age of 15 I began a vicious addiction with self harming which lasted for five years. I was lost, confused and hurting. I was constantly trying to change myself to fit the image I thought I needed to be, live the life I ‘should have’. What I failed to realise was I needed to acknowledge what was happening to me, seek help and above all be true to myself. Failing to do this led to me resenting my body and mind, which then led to more self harm. It took almost losing my life for me to realise I couldn’t waste any more time trapped in self harm.
I took the scary step of reaching out for help, stopping self harm and finding new ways to deal with my problems. Self harm was my safety net, so ending this was extremely difficult, like any addiction there were days that were harder than others and there are still days that urges arise. The difference is 
I now know how to handle these feelings and am strong enough to avoid the urge. I am proud to say its been just over 18 months since I have self harmed. 

Reaching out for help was easier than I thought because I am blessed to be surrounded by supportive loving friends and family who have stood by me and guided me in the right direction to recovery, which is a long, ongoing journey.
So what has helped me get from the lost scared girl to the determined focussed girl I am today? I have spent a lot of time learning about myself and trying to understand my feelings. I write daily, read books, practise positive affirmations, look after myself physically and do what makes me happy. 

When I began doing all of these things in conjunction with each other I noticed my perspective on life changed. Freeing myself of the need to be someone I am not unleashed a passion for life I didn’t know I had. I remind myself everyday my life is my choice, after all people will come and go but you are with yourself forever.

Treating my body with love and care is a big change from my old habits of destroying it. I now compete in bodybuilding and have a whole new lifestyle. I train, eat healthy meals and spend time working on my body with pride. I used to be so ashamed of my body I would cry looking in the mirror, I was covered in scars and unhappy with my weight. I now practise self love and look at my body and see strength, hard work and determination. Lifting weights, seeing my strength increase and the changes this made to my body was only the first step in finding my new perspective on life. My view changed from seeing myself as weak, insecure and broken, to strong, persistent and capable. I now look at my body with admiration for what I have overcome and determination for what is ahead.

Like I said at the beginning I am still on my journey to recovery, I still have bad days; I still have doubts and fears. 

What has changed is I now react differently, I acknowledge my feelings and if they are not productive thoughts or emotions I simply practise letting them go. If it doesn’t push me forward, it will only hold me back and I have no time to waste being held back. I am now passionate about my life, excited for my future and have never wanted to truly live more in my life. Remember no matter how bad or how dark times may feel tomorrow always holds possibility for greatness. 

Every day we are given  a blank page to start again, write your story the way you want, everyone will always have their opinions, you control your reaction you cannot control them, control the controllable and remember as you are right now you are enough. Stay true to yourself, because you are beautifully, brilliantly, fabulously YOU.

Please note: This article was 100% written by Lauren Darlington, and are her views and opinions. 

If you would like to get in touch with Lauren, please email her on laurendarlington@hotmail.com or, check out her instagram account @Lllaureenn. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Detox your whole body with these 5 simple tips!

Christmas is over, yet you still feel like you're carrying around that dreaded bloating feeling.

New Years Eve is only a couple of days away, and the $120 dress you bought cant be exchanged for the next size up. So, what can you do, you ask? Ah, get your pen and papers out ladies, you're in for a treat. (No, not that kinda treat, don't be greedy.)

1. Clean your bedroom.

No, really. It's not only therapeutic for your mind, but also refreshing for your soul. Start small, maybe with your closet. Then, start with organising your magazines, books and make-up. You will be surprised with how good you will feel after this.  

2. Go for a brisk walk.

This should be a no-brainer. Exercise makes those endorphins of yours very happy. If you cannot bring yourself to go to the gym, at least pop your work-out gear on and go for a walk around the block. You might even be inspired to walk twice as long. Oh, and if you feel like doing something that's going to make you sweat, but you cant bare the sight of a gym, see here, for an easier way to get your heart pumping.

3. Brush your body.

When was the last time you really gave your skin a good ol' scrubbing and loving? The skin can have a build-up of dead skin cells and dry-looking areas, which really means your skin is looking pretty dull. No thanks.
That's when dry body brushing comes into the picture. It helps to clear the pores and rid the skin of impurities. As well as exfoliating the outer layer of your body, dry skin brushing increases blood circulation which helps to contribute to healthier muscle tone and better distribution of fat deposits (read, cellulite).

4. Detox.

You knew this was coming, lets not get hasty. After all that food you consumed, it's only fair that you give your inner self some TLC. So please, whip out your blenders and throw in all the greens in your fridge, and hey, why not add some coconut water too? Kicking off your mornings with a fresh and nutritious smoothie or fruit juice will not only be beneficial for your health, but also your skin. Try this for a couple of days, especially before NYE.

5. Me time.

You must be feeling pretty fresh after those four steps, right? So how do you complete this detox you ask? Well, by adding a fresh coat of tan with a side of mani of course!
In girl world, that is a fake tan and a manicure/pedicure. And whatever else you enjoy doing that makes you feel amazing! You will feel a hundred times better once you've treated your body from the inside, as well as the outside!
Tan, check. Nails, check. That dress that you bought for NYE that fits like a glove, check.

Come on girls, we've got a couple of days and we can do this!

xx Happy New Years everyone

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Stocking fillers for her under $20

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... wouldn't you agree?

The sales have already started, the diets have already finished, and everywhere you turn, you see little Santa faces and reindeers trotting along the store windows.

The thing is, if you don't plan your Christmas beforehand, you're looking at adding some serious stress to your already stressful Christmas! Think about it, you have breakfast with the parents, lunch at the relatives, afternoon drinks with the girl's and if you can manage to force yourself out of the dreaded 'Christmas food coma', you're back at it, eating and drinking some more! (Well, this is what I'll be looking forward to, anyway).

And it's not just the food you have to think about, think of all the people you need to buy presents for!

So that's why I have put together this quick and simple list which has amazing gift's for her, all under $20.

Guys to note: As each year see's it, you'll be getting the Kmart Sock Pack and the Favourites Chocolates again. No hard feelings.

1. NP Ready Set Bronze $19.99

Tell me which girl doesn't love getting good quality make-up set's for Christmas? Instead of getting one gift, you're getting five! Hurray! The fancy little bronzing kit comes with a Baked Powder Bronzer, Lipstick in Boston (nude berry), Pasarella Mascara in black, and of course, the cute star-designed reversible tote bag! And the best bit? It's valued at $70. (No skimping here)
Perfect for: Sister in-law

What better gift to give, than a beautifully scented Glasshouse Fragrance candle? The triple-scented miniature candle has blends of Gardenia, Sandalwood, Cardamom and Casaba Melon. The Glasshouse range is handmade in Australia, used with only the highest quality non-toxic wax. Perfect for your home, and perfect for the environment. Hashtag winning. 
Perfect for: Mother in-law

3. kikki.K Mini Notebook 5Pack 2015 $12.95

Can you ever really go wrong when you have cute, colourful stationary? Thanks to the Swedish stationary brand kikki.K, they make gift buying so easy and super stylish too! These notebooks are perfect for jotting down words of inspiration, or just everyday notes.
Perfect for: Younger sister

Why bathe with an ordinary soap, when you can bathe with a luxury soap? The MOR soaps are not just statement pieces for your bathroom bench-top. Oh, no. They're to be used and abused (in the nicest way possible), in your everyday routine. The soap has a blend of soft, sugary rose and exotic Tiger lily with tropical fruits. Oh, and did you know it contains Vitamin E ,which helps to slow the signs of ageing? As well as Glycerin, which works to improve and hydrate the skin? I know, it's basically magic in a pretty pink tin.
Perfect for: Nan

5. Ashdene Vintage Garden Tea Cup & Saucer $12.56

Why not add a touch of elegance and class with Ashdene's wide range of beautifully decorated teacups. This is perfect for the tea lovers, and with so many to choose from, and valued at such a good price, it's a win win! Even if you're a coffee gal or the person you're buying it for loves their espresso, you can still use the teacup, no judgement here.

For more Christmas idea's see the websites below.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Getting fit the easy way

When you want to get fit, certain things may pop into your head.
-        How do I do this
-        How much will it cost
-        How do I become motivated
-        How do I stay motivated
-        Do I need to hire a personal trainer
-        Do I have to workout in the morning or afternoon
-        What workout will make me lose weight fast
-        How consistent do I have to be
-        Can I still eat chocolate
-        What if I cant afford a membership or a personal trainer
-        Should I just stop now and pray for a miracle or..

It’s quite over-whelming. With so many gym’s offering no contracts and cheap ass access 24 hours a day (because we all thought it was a good idea to workout at 3:00am…), personal trainers offering you the world plus a cute bum just in time for summer, and now every Insta-famous-Fitness-Girl is selling their Ebook for just $29.95.

Can we just all stop and take a moment to realise that before gym ‘selfies’ were cool and you only needed to have a TAFE certificate in Fitness to claim you can make someone fit overnight, there was such a thing as just doing simple exercises.

That’s right. No need to sloth away at the gym three times a day to see results. No need to restrict yourself from the best foods in the world (looking at you peanut butter). No need to feel guilty and upset that you slept in and missed your early morning workout.

But, before I start contradicting myself here, I do need to say this. Some people live and breathe fitness and health, and they’re so determined to make someone realise that it does not matter what the dam scales say, all that matters is that you are genuinely happy- well those people, I would throw a dime or two for their programmes.

These particular gods (smart people) deserve your time, because they really do want the best possible outcome for you. I feel as though when you’re lacking motivation, you need a pick-me-up, or you just need a new, fresh routine, and in which case you should of course holla’ at them.

One lady in particular, Chloe Ashman, who runs The Healthy Body Project, has helped me over-come my on and off fitness anxiety. Formally a close friend, then my trainer, and still friend, she is defiantly someone I would recommend to anybody who is looking to invest into something worthy. 

But back to where I started from, you really don’t need an over-load of information that sounds pretty great, but in retrospect, is just unrealistic. You don’t need to spend half your paycheck just to get results.

So I guess you’re thinking to yourself, well come on Vanessa, tell me what I can actually do to get results, without paying anything!

And this is where the Internet comes in. YouTube to be exact.

Being a human and all, I crave routine and structure. I get bored very easy, and tend to lose my focus. This means that I need something with variety, something that wont break the bank, and something that I can do at home, in my very own bedroom.

And so when I cam across XHITDaily, you can imagine how excited I was. They have over 800 FREE workout videos, with each video focusing on something different. The majority of the videos are anywhere between 10-30 minutes long- perfect for when you need to sweat fast, in a short amount of time.

They have a funny British instructor, who goes through every exercise with you, all timed on a clock. There are usually 10 different exercises that make up the workout, for which go for about 60 seconds each.

The way I see it, I come home after work, I get into my zone, light my candle, grab some water and pop my towel down. Then, I flip my laptop up and pick a workout that seems appealing to me at the time. I try to stick to two body groups such as leg’s and bum or abs and arms.

For me personally, I would so much rather workout in the comfort of my own home, with my own music and no distractions. Thankfully my room is big enough for me to jump around like a crazy lady. If you don’t have a lot of space in your room, try the lounge room or backyard.

So, with literally hundreds of different workout videos, which are so easy to follow (even my ten year old sister can do them) and again let’s really emphasize on the words free and fast, what’s not to love!

As well as lusting over the XHIT Daily videos, I also enjoy doing Barre Body once or twice a week. And if you didn’t already know by now, I do love a good ol’ free workout.

The Baree Body Online Studio has free express workout videos which again are converted into different body groups, and how much time you have to workout.

Again, perks of doing these workouts in your room means no judgment from fellow yoga loving peeps. Ahem, I am yet to master the ‘downward dog’.

The good thing about the Internet is that there is literally thousands of different avenues you can do down when it comes to your health and wellbeing. You can Google ‘free workouts’, ‘free nutrition plans’, ‘free chocolate’, you know, you can literally Google anything.

But in all honesty, I have never been more focused than ever, nor have I stuck to anything as long as I have with this routine I have going at the moment. And, I’ve actually lost two kilos since starting this.

Below I have created a timetable for which you can tweak to suite your needs, if you wanted to give this online workout thing a go. And with Christmas just around the corner, it’s best to have a routine on hand so you don’t fall off the ban wagon.

You can obviously alter this to what ever exercise you prefer, say pilates, Bikram yoga or watching the Kardashains. (Lifting that remote is strenuous work guys).

xx Vanessa

Friday, November 28, 2014

Review: Bexters Soda Crystals

Before Bexters, I had never really used 'soda crystals' or thought of using them, as a way to help with post-recovery. For myself, I do not drink protein powder after my workouts, rather have a protein-rich meal to help with muscle recovery.

Unfortunately, sometimes though our bodies, mine included, react differently when we do different workouts, or when we have not worked out in a while, and as a result our bodies start to ache and our muscles start to tense up a lot quicker than we would prefer.

To put Bexter Soda Crystals to the test, me and my partner did a group training session together during the week, and we worked our bums off!

I wanted a mans perspective because we all know that being very different to the male specimen, our bodies work in a COMPLETELY different way! Durh!

The soda crystals have been designed to help reduce swelling and relieve muscle aches in the body. This is particularly great if you have out-trained yourself and you need to relax and calm down the body.  They are made from natural limestone, combined with natural sodium chloride, heated, processed and blended into these little crystals.

So, now you no what they are and what they do, I'm sure you want to know if they actually work? 

Well, can confirm that they helped cut in half my recovery time! 

On Monday night I did an hour-long HIIT training, Barre Body on Tuesday night, Workout session with my partner on Wednesday which involved cardio and strength training, and another HIIT session on Thursday! I am actually tired just writing that out! 

My muscles seemed to get very tight after my leg session, my hamstrings in particular.  So I bathed in the soda crystals after my session on Wednesday, and really focused on relaxing my body and mind.

I had a big stretch before I went to sleep, and I defiantly felt as though my muscles were in a much better condition, especially on that second 'dreaded' post-leg day! (Second day is always the worse!)

I allowed myself a 15-minute bath accompanied with a good book and some green tea!

My partner's schedule was some-what different to mine, being all manly and stuff. 

He used the soda crystals just once, but he did say that it helped soothed his arms and shoulders, and quote "Had a better night's sleep, and woke up to feel my body relaxed and my muscles strong, not stiff". 

I am very impressed with these little gems! Defiantly going to be soaking in the bath at least once a week! 

Not only are baths therapeutic, but top them off with a good book, soda crystals and some candles...my oh my you have just landed in heaven.

xx Vanessa