Monday, March 11, 2013


Hello everyone!

I'm one of those people who needs a set routine for my day-to-day lifestyle.
If I don't plan, I wont be organised. Routine is what makes things in our life flow freely and we feel like we are in charge even if certain things are out of our control.

When it comes to routine for me, I have to plan my routine the night/week before ( usually on a Sunday night)

It usually consist of this

Monday -

Gym 6am-7am
work 10am-4pm


Gym 530-6.15am
interning 9am-530pm


College 830am-1.30pm
Gym 2.30pm-3.30pm


Gym 530am-6.15am
College 830am-3.30pm

College 830am-2.30pm

Saturday and Sunday I have work, and I usually don't go to the gym but if I can fit in some type of exercise I will :)

Making a routine will help set you up for the week and make prioritizing !


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