Monday, September 22, 2014

Skin/Body routine

When it comes to your body and skin, I think that you should always go out of your way to look after it.  I mean you are literally in your skin forever, why wouldn’t you make the best out of what you have!

For me, I LOVE to pamper myself every day. Whether that’s by giving my body a nice scrub-down before I tan, moisturising my freshly shaved legs after a hot shower, or oiling my body up to help promote a healthy glow- I honestly think
It’s the best thing you can do for yourself.

So lets start with Shower Time:

I like to think that I can get as much out of a shower in about 10-15 minutes. (House-full of women, the time does vary!), So you see with time being quite precious and obviously factoring in that you do not want to waste any time (water is so valuable, we should always be mindful of this), you need to be ready from the moment you pop in to the moment you pop out!

First up, I clean my face.  I have previously mentioned in my past post that I like to use coconut oil to rid my face of harsh and stubborn make-up, and it does a fine job in doing so. But after my visit to Lady Luxe Beauty, the beautiful Jessica Nash has introduced me to the natural and chemical Jojoba pre-cleanser by Vigor. Skin Therapy.  I then proceed to clean my body. I like to use Dove’s Go Fresh Cool Moisture soap to really give my body a good lather! After using Dove, I will (depending on whether or not I am preparing for a tan, in this case lets say yes) start scrubbing my body from top to bottom, using my preferred scrub for the week. I have loving  Babe Scrubs, particularly the Coffee Scrub. Made from sugar and salt, infused with coffee beans, it helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, lumps, bumps, acne and scars! After scrubbing, I will shave my legs, arms and under-arms. Some people don’t need to shave their arms and its completely personal preference- I just do. I use the slim twin shavers from Schick because they’re super cheap for a packet of 10 ($6) and I just chuck them out after a week’s use.  After shaving I will give my body a quick wash with a body wash of choice. Right now I am loving Natural instinct’s energising body wash, especially since it’s made from all natural Australian ingredients.


So after my shower, I pat-dry my body  (again, personal preference) and I then start to moisturise.  I like to use the Natural instincts body lotion because it smells absolutely delicious and absorbs super easily into my skin.  If I was going to tan I would skip the moisturising part as most tans have moisturise ingredients in their product, as well as their tanning formula.  My favourite choice of self-tan is St. Tropez  lotion in dark.  I have never found a tan better then this brand, and its probably because I am naturally olive and it’s a red-based formula, so it just blends perfectly and the colour last for 4-7 days without having to re-apply.  I would just use the mitt applicator that comes with the tan.
So after I tan, I wouldn’t do anything else as its not really nesseccary, and anything I put on my skin at this point might jeopardise the development of my tan. So lets just say I wasn’t tanning and I’ve just finished moisturising my skin. I then go onto my body oil. I like to use body oil 2-3 times a week; to really help hydrate my skin that extra bit more. Body oils are a great product if you’re looking to reduce stretch mark and scars and help to prolong your tan. I have been using Lovely Lanolin Herbal Treatment Body Oil and I love it.  It makes good use for getting the dewy, healthy-looking skin.  After I have oiled my body, I move onto spritzing some rose water on my face and body. Rose water in particular is good for restoring and hydrating the skin, and providing a natural antioxidant protection.  I have been using Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist for a couple of months now, and its safe to say that it does the job, plus more! Another favourite of mine that I highly recommend, especially since the weather is getting warmer, it’s so refreshing!

So as you can probably tell after reading this, I do go to great lengths too look after my skin. That’s because a) working in the beauty industry, I receive sooo many products for testing and trailing, I need to put them to good use, b) all these products are so fun! I would much prefer to buy products for my body then my face… hello Priceline; I need a VIP card ASAP! And c) I genuinely love the feeling and look of fresh, smooth and healthy skin. 

I hope this has inspired you to take that extra time to look after and care for your skin.

xx Vanessa

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